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BowerBird Blues

Regular price 20.00 AUD
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This special book is about Poland’s industrious and busy bowerbird.

Our bowerbird is a collector of everything that is blue. He is ‘always looking, finding and keeping!’ He loves blue, even the smallest skerrick excites him. The bluer the better! But no matter how many blue things he seeks something is still missing. What could it be?

He scours the countryside, even visiting the city. He revels in the sky so blue, soaring to great heights, he flys over glistening sea that sparkles all shades of blue.

All the while his collection is growing and with it his Bower so blue. He prances and dances, carefully placing his bibs and bobs around as his bower grows. But, something is still missing. What could it be?

Then he hears a rustle and a crackling of leaves. This must be it. This is what he has been missing.

This is a book for the heart and a gift for your soul. Aura Parker has crafted all the elements of this picture book so beautifully. The story has such calmness to it that you are quietly swept along with our bowerbird enjoying his determination and glee at finding all things blue. It is about longing and the joy of finding what you are seeking, even though you know not what it is. What a joy it is to share in him finding that something.

Another keeper.

Reviewed by Merle Morcom
Age Guide 3+



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